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Düsseldorf's mayor continues to be criticised because of Farid Bang.

Criticism of Farid Bang video Düsseldorf mayor defends himself

Actually, it was a good idea: after numerous Düsseldorfers (and tourists) disregarded the distance rules in the old town every weekend, a celebrity was supposed to ensure that the youth were better reached.

After all, it is precisely many people between the ages of 20 and 30 who flock to the party miles of the Rhine metropolis at the weekend.

Some people might have been surprised that Farid Bang was chosen as the celebrity of choice. After all, it is he who has attracted negative attention with his lyrics in the past - not only in the context of the Echo awards. The rapper has often been accused of misogyny and homophobia. And it is precisely he who was chosen by Lord Mayor Thomas Geisel to admonish the city's young people.

The wave of indignation was not long in coming. On Facebook and the like, many people gave vent to their anger. Geisel himself reacted to the criticism, but obviously found it difficult to understand.

Who is Farid Bang?

Anyone looking for scandalous rappers from the German region is comparatively quickly confronted with Farid Bang. Unforgotten: Campino's speech at the Echo Awards, in which the frontman of the Toten Hosen clearly spoke out against Bang. Position referred to. He himself had only a weary smile for the words of the original punk.

One of the lines that bothered Campino and many other critics at the time was: "My body more defined than by Auschwitz inmates". However, this is only an excerpt from a long list of quotes, which some consider "artistic freedom", others "absolutely inappropriate".

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Criticism of Farid Bang video Düsseldorf mayor defends himself

NRW Integration Minister Stamp reacts

Geisel's decision to engage Farid Bang as an "ambassador" has raised the question as to when the famous end may justify the means. Moreover, it remains questionable to what extent those who so vehemently oppose the official Corona rules are now willing to change their behaviour because of a video message.

Or was it perhaps also the thought of the current election campaign that caused the incumbent mayor to want to secure the votes of younger voters, among others, through this move?

One thing is certain: the decision to shoot a video with Farid Bang is now making waves. Among others, NRW's Integration Minister Stamp recently spoke out. In an interview with WDR, he said he had wondered whether "the Lord Mayor still had all his cups in the cupboard". A clear choice of words that sometimes appears in political events, but is rather rare.

Geisel reacted promptly on Facebook, complaining among other things about the "inappropriate language". Moreover, there had been no attempt on the part of the Integration Minister to contact Geisel.

According to several media reports, the Farid Bang issue does not seem to be over yet. Among other things, dpa has received a letter in which Geisel states that he is prepared to delete the video from the platform. This would apply if the majority of the democratic parliamentary groups in the council were in favour. Particularly interesting: the backing of his own party is also missing here.

The said letter, which was quickly quoted by several media, also contains an apology addressed to the members of the LGBTQ Scene judges. He had not wanted to hurt anyone with his decision. However, tolerance also means putting up with views that do not conform to political correctness, among other things. Accordingly, the question "What can be tolerated and what cannot?" is perhaps more relevant today than ever before.

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