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Self-employment and Corona - what opportunities does the crisis offer?

Does the Corona Crisis Offer Opportunities for Self-Employment

The trend around self-employment and being a freelancer has, of course, not stopped at the Gay Scene Stop. Especially in the last few years, many gay men have decided to become gay through a Coming Out not only to fight for personal freedom, but also to go new ways with their own independence.

After all, being your own boss offers many advantages. However, many freelancers and self-employed people also know that it is the first few years that can be a real test. Clients have to be found and (ideally) kept. In addition, it is essential to calculate the right prices for the services offered.

All calculations are based on an expected business development. But what if this is influenced by a crisis, as is currently the case? The Corona period has shown that some scenarios cannot be predicted. And yet it sometimes also offers opportunities.

Flexibility is good - in all areas

If you talk to self-employed people about their reasons for choosing a career, you will usually get similar answers. For many people it is important to be able to live out their own ideas of the "perfect business".

"Flexibility" is the key word here, and it comes up almost all the time. However, flexibility also means sometimes having to take paths that deviate from one's own original plan.

Entrepreneurs who have managed (or will manage) to adapt their business or their services and products to the crisis can certainly emerge stronger from it.

Questions like:

  • Which products/services are particularly in demand at the moment?
  • How can I accommodate my customers (for example, through offers)?
  • Can I possibly expand my target group?

Are more relevant than ever in today's world and can help to stand out from the rest of the competition. Of course, adapting the product range is not always possible. Depending on the industry, this can be a particular challenge. Here, among others, the self-employed who have built up reserves and can fall back on them are also at an advantage.

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In addition, short-term employment in another company can help to keep one's own projects financially afloat a little until the crisis is largely over.

Self-employed and freelancers need optimism - psychology as an important factor

Yes, optimism is important. Perhaps now more than ever. No one knows who will emerge from the crisis stronger and who weaker. The only thing that is certain is that anyone who gives up now and buries their head in the sand is definitely in more danger than someone who tries to active deal with the problem and face it realistically.

In the first step, it is essential to prepare cost calculations and the like or to have them prepared by a tax advisor. In many cases, it then becomes apparent that the situation may not be as hopeless as it first appeared.

Exercise in the fresh air and exchanges with like-minded people can also help to build up a little more optimism.

By the way: not only since the Corona crisis have self-employed people who manage not to lose their healthy portion of hope been at an advantage! This is an important trait that will certainly become an indispensable factor for most even after the pandemic.

The forecast? Mixed...

The current forecasts of experts from the field of economics are mixed. While some speak of one of the greatest economic challenges in history, others do not paint too bleak a scenario.

As is often the case, it is therefore important to wait and see, to actively seek solutions and - especially as a self-employed person (no matter if gay or straight) - to always keep faith in one's own ability.

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