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Aaron Königs at Promi Big Brother - the ex runner-up Mr. Gay Germany in the container

Aaron Königs moves in with Promi Big Brother

Aaron Königs is moving into Promi Big Brother because for a few days now, the trash TV fan community has once again had the opportunity to watch more or less celebrities living in one of the most famous containers of all. Strictly speaking, however, this time it is not the classic container, but rather a special fairytale world, which is divided into a sparsely furnished and a luxury area.

Already after a few days, two residents left the show voluntarily. Jenny Frankhauser and Senay Gueler left the pitch on their own initiative. So it was high time for the first newcomers. In addition to Willi Herren's daughter, the former Vice Mr. Gay Germany Aaron Königs also dared to enter the ring. He moved in on Monday evening. His face is not unknown.

Who is Aaron Königs?

Aaron Königs is not only the former Vice Mr. Gay Germany, but meanwhile also a more or less well-known TV face. Among other things, he fought on "Mr Charming" for the heart of Nicolas Puschmann and tried to become a candidate on "The Mole".

Königs seems to love a challenge and is accordingly right at home on this year's Promi Big Brother. At Alessia Herren he will no longer meet here. Because: she had to leave the show again after yesterday's voting and a comparatively short guest appearance. Much to the displeasure of her father Willi, who blamed his haters for the voting result on social media.

Will Aaron have a hard time positioning himself within the group? Already at "The Mole"he showed time and again that he was a real team player. He often got upset about fellow contestants who always took over the situation during games and thus deprived the individual members of the group of the chance to contribute. On Promi Big Brother, however, a completely new situation awaits the TV starlet.

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Aaron Königs moves in with Promi Big Brother

What are Aaron Königs' chances on Promi Big Brother?

Die-hard trash TV fans know that it is always a little harder for newcomers in reality TV formats. After all, they come up against an already well-rehearsed group in which the individual roles have often found each other. Aaron is also aware of this situation.

In the context of his very personal kick-off show on Monday, however, he also explained that he does not want to miss out on anything in his life and is accordingly excited about the challenges that Promi Big Brother offers him. Even after the first sentences and his personal introduction video, however, it becomes clear that there could well be participants - both in the fairytale forest and in the castle - who are not 100 percent comfortable with the character of the ex-vice Mr. Gay Germany. Because: Aaron not only likes to wear yellow with passion, but also seems cheerful, open and sometimes loud. He says of himself that it is difficult for him not to speak his mind. It remains to be seen how the residents will deal with so much joie de vivre and power.

One thing is certain: via the social media and the reactions of the audience in the live on the spot, it quickly became apparent that the new competitor was definitely expected to have ambitions of winning. In Cologne, for example, he was cheered on by his own small fan club before entering his new domicile. The Promi Big Brother Container 2020 will now be a little more "queer" - along with Katy Bähm.


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