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Jochen Schropp has stripped bare - but why?

Jochen Schropp stripped bare in Cosmopolitan !

For a few days now, the public has known what Jochen Schropp looks like naked. At least partially. Because: the presenter has chosen to be naked for the anniversary edition of the "Cosmopolitan", which was released on 09 September 2020. Naked.

But for him it is obviously about more than "only" Nude pictures. Rather, the photos can be seen as an important statement. This is especially suggested by the background of the pictures. The colours of the rainbow can be seen there. Also a clear statement on Insta shows: the moderator associates the images with more than just nudity.

Therefore, it is certainly quite justified to take another look at this exciting topic even a few days after the publication of the magazine.

Jochen Schropp's coming out, the pictures and the statement

That Jochen Schropp gay has not been known for very long - at least not by the general public. His Coming Out took place about two years ago. Since then, he has inspired the Scene again and again with frank, sometimes witty, sometimes thoughtful comments and thus repeatedly shows "Hey! I'm one of you!".

All the better that the presenter and actor has now even stripped bare in the course of an anniversary issue of a well-known magazine. The message: Diversity and the love for or trust in oneself.

Even if Schropp is naked in the picture and could accordingly appear vulnerable, this is not the case. Instead, the viewer sees a self-confident man who has obviously found himself and has no problem standing by himself.

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Nevertheless: it does not show everything. And precisely THAT is probably what makes the pictures so appealing. This is not about sex. This is about more.

"... Believe that for many young LGBTQI* it is a very important and right sign."

Jochen Schropps statement about the picture suggests that it was or is an important concern for the moderator to also support young people. Because: not everyone is so confident about their sexual orientation - often out of fear of the reactions of those around them. It is all the more important that some people take heart and go ahead... even if it is naked in a newspaper.

Schropps In my opinion, diversity should be "not always discussed, but simply mapped and lived out."

However, the pictures were also a challenge for him in other respects, with regard to the perception of his own body. As a conclusion for himself, he draws the insight "But we should not only be milder with each other, but also with ourselves."

Jochen Schropp's special coming out

Interestingly, Jochen Schropp actually came out twice. His private environment has known for a long time. In the media, however, he always kept a low profile with regard to his sexual orientation... Until about two years ago. Several rumours about his alleged homosexuality remained uncommented.

At some point, however - according to his own statement - he no longer felt like hiding and wrote a letter to the "star". The rest is history. Today, the media world knows Jochen Schropp as the host of "Promi Big Brother" and other formats. It is well known that he is gay. However, the whole thing - thank God - is no longer a "scandal" for most people.

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