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Vitamin D3 in winter - what does the "good mood vitamin" do?

Sunny mood The healing power of vitamin D

The body needs it to live and the psyche can also benefit from it: Vitamin D is considered an important substance that keeps the body on its toes and is said to improve mood.

Unlike the classical vitamins, which are absorbed through food, the Vitamin D3 under the influence of UV radiation formed in the skin.

But from September onwards, the number of hours of sunshine in Central Europe steadily decreases. Unfortunately, the natural UV radiation of the sun is no longer sufficient, at the latest, to ensure a sufficient production of Vitamin D ensure

The good news is that there are numerous ways to counteract this phenomenon.

Daylight for the home - light therapy

As already mentioned, the body needs UV radiation, in order to Vitamin D synthesis stimulate. In the meantime, there are daylight lamps for one's own four walls to support people in the cold, dark season.

It is particularly important, with regard to the production of Vitamin D3 Make sure that the lamps used are UVB radiation contain.

But even daylight lamps without UVB radiation can be the common Autumn blues often shake it off. When it is dark, the body releases the sleep hormone Melatonin off. A daylight lamp, on the other hand, suggests daylight to the body and a corresponding Hormone release is thus prevented. The result: the energy balance usually stays in better shape and productivity increases.

Get out into the fresh air: goodbye to autumn blues!

In order to Vitamin D3 household throughout the year if possible, however, it does not necessarily need a new lamp.

Those who wish can also resort to alternatives. An important rule here is that it is necessary to consistently at least 15 minutes to stay in direct sunlight - and that at least Three times a week. In high temperatures, sunscreen should of course be considered in this context.

Homophobia in everyday life

Unlike the already mentioned Vitamin D3 can others Vitamin D variants can also be absorbed through food. Particularly popular are Cheese, Eggs, Poultry, Cereals and green Vegetables. Calcium-containing Food also helps to reduce the effect of Vitamin D in the body.

Those who choose the right mix can, among other things, support their bone structure and the stability of their bones.

A "nice" side effect: outdoor training sessions not only provide sunshine, but also improve the body's own fitness.

Taking vitamin D - additional tips

If the above-mentioned tips cannot be optimally integrated into the daily routine, the following can be done Vitamin D optionally also in most cases in Tablet form should be ingested.

Here, it is advisable to stop taking Vitamin D also about taking Magnesium to add. Because: so that the Vitamin D can work well in the body, an optimal Magnesium Supply necessary.

Also the underestimated Vitamin K2 should be in addition to Calcium, Magnesium and Vitamin D should be taken. This regulates blood clotting in the case of minor injuries and conducts Calcium surpluses further into the bones. Among other things, this can also prevent the formation of kidney stones.

But be careful! Many people are of the opinion that the largest possible amounts of Vitamin D resp. Vitamin D3, Calcium and Magnesium to have to take in order to achieve a corresponding effect. However, this is a prejudice! In general, it is also true that Vitamins never "blind"should be taken. In order to be on the safe side, it is important to consult your doctor beforehand.

In many cases, this leads to an uncomplicated Blood test to convince himself of the current status quo. Afterwards, he can give even more well-founded advice on a certain dosage. The extent to which this should then be maintained - for example, after one year - is shown by regular Check-ups.


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