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Attention spoilers! Is the Prince Charming couple still together?

Prince Charming - Are Alex and Lauritz still a couple?

It is one of the questions that always particularly concerns fans of dating formats: has the relationship managed to survive in everyday life?

A look at the Bachelor- and Bachelorette couples of the last few years, but also to the first Prince Charming couple, shows that a love that started in front of TV cameras doesn't always have to last.

But what does this actually mean for the current Prince Charming Season? After all, the Big reunion, which was presented a few days ago on TVnow was broadcast, not only about the winner, but also about the current relationship status of the Princes spoken, isn't it?

Oh yes!

Attention: if you don't want to be spoiled, don't read this news any further! Anyone who is curious to know whether Alex and his chosen one still share the bed, should take a cup of tea, and note with joy (or disappointment?) the following paragraphs.

The reunion - the tension rises

The reunion, which we also wrote about in our column on "Prince Charming"was emotional, stirring and left one question unanswered until the end. Prince and Lauritz still together?

Fans of the format or Lauritz Fans must now be strong, because: No! Alex and Lauritz are no longer a pair. This fact seems to be more of a burden on the first-place winner than the Princes himself. Again and again during the show he struggles with tears and shows himself to be distraught. The question of whether this was all about fame has probably been answered. But why did the TV relationship fall apart?

Sunny mood: The healing power of vitamin D

Alexwho in these moments really seems as if he has finished with the relationship, explains that they both stayed in Greece for a fortnight after the final. However, both had also admitted to each other, "not head over heels"to be in love with each other. Even on further dates in Frankfurt, the spark did not fly.

Lauritz has never had a boyfriend

... and maybe that's exactly why he reacts so hurt. In the course of the season, the viewer repeatedly had the impression that he would open up more and more and also dare to do more.

At the reunion Alex Among other things, it is also clear that he very much likes Lauritz would have been my first boyfriend. However, the feelings were not enough on his part. Among other things, he had noticed this by comparing his usual feelings of infatuation with the emotions of his first boyfriend. Lauritz to each other.

At least it seems Alex to have had the courage to approach the first-place finisher openly and honestly. The latter obviously had little idea of the developments. Even if said "Head over foot" quote (see above) shows that it was definitely not love at first sight, it would still be possible for something serious to develop in the long run. He is not "so mellow" like the Prince and rather "head over heels in love".

TV dating relationships - why are they not under a good star?

It's certainly not pessimistic to suggest that relationships that are on a dating show (whether straight- or gay) are not under a good star. But why is that actually the case?

Prince Charming - These candidates are particularly memorable

In the case of the first Prince Charming it was - according to his own statement - among other things the Public pressurewhich ultimately led to the end. Also the contrast between "Dream Dates" and reality seem to play an important role here. Real life (unfortunately) usually takes place far away from dreamy beaches and candlelight dinners. And sometimes - as in the case of Alex and Lauritz - the feelings just don't come out. Too bad.

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