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Sydney rainbow trail commemorates important LGBTQ day

Sydney opens the Rainbow Trail

More and more nations allow same-sex couples to marry. Among others, lovers also have the opportunity to tie the knot on the rainbow path "Down Under".

In order to show this to the outside world and to celebrate it every day anew, a rainbow path has now been opened in Sydney. It is about 90 metres long and not only looks good, but also conveys an important message.

It can sometimes show that people who are working for more tolerance are (literally) on the right path, but that there is still a long way to go for all those who want full equality. The good news: actually, every path leads to the goal at some point, doesn't it?

In Australia, same-sex couples have been allowed to marry for about three years.

The LGBTQ community in Australia continues to grow. Accordingly, the opening for marriage for all was also received here with much enthusiasm at the time. Now a rainbow path is to commemorate this important day and this far-reaching decision.

However, the fact that it has only gone so far come is ultimately due to a corresponding poll. At the time, Australians had the opportunity to vote on whether or not same-sex couples should be allowed to marry.

The decision for same-sex marriage was supported by more than 60 percent. The community celebrated the decision extensively... Among other things, at the very place where the rainbow path has now been created.

Sydney opens the Rainbow Trail

The Rainbow Path project in detail

It is no coincidence that the Rainbow Trail was laid in Prince Alfred Park. Even though the joy was great throughout the country, the feeling that developed at this place shortly after the announcement was almost breathtaking. And it is precisely for this reason that the Rainbow Trail commemorates here an important achievement for the Scene.

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The idea for the path came from the city of Sydney itself. Moreover, the time span between the first brainstorming session and the unveiling was comparatively short. Because: the proposal around the colourful path comes from the last weeks of last year.

In the meantime, the mayor of the city has already spoken out on social media. She emphasises that the path is meant to commemorate the moment when thousands of people gathered at this spot to be informed about the result of the vote.

At the same time, however, she stressed that complete equality for the LGBTQ community is not yet complete.

Is there a need for LGBTQ "monuments" of this kind?

This is a question that is discussed again and again - not only in social networks - but also frequently in forums and in public.

Unfortunately, homophobic attacks in all parts of the world show that members of the LGBTQ community are still exposed to enormous pressure. Therefore, it is all the more important to incorporate topics like "queer", "rainbow families" and co. into everyday life.

A path in a park may be merely a visual highlight for many people. For others, it is an important statement that also invites interpretation and is accordingly far more important than "just" a route from A to B.


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Miki 13. January 2024 um 13:07

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