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This is why it pays to data a cat owner

This is why it pays to data a cat owner

The choice of pet can say a lot about a person. Some people even go so far as to distinguish (more or less vehemently) between dog and cat people.

If you then consider that the vast majority of pet owners consciously choose a pet or a breed that suits them ideally, you can draw many conclusions.

There is some evidence that cat owners are valuable date partners. Even though no generalised standard can be created from this, the following points could be used with regard to the "perfect date". Rendezvous"be interesting.

Point No. 1: Cat owners need patience

Anyone who has ever tried to convince a cat of something - for example, how much more attractive the scratching post is compared to the sofa - knows that it takes a seemingly endless thread of patience to convey just that.

Many cat owners are therefore probably already trained to give their counterpart time. No matter whether it's a matter of "spontaneously" deciding for or against a second date or choosing a menu from the menu. Many cat owners are virtually trained to invest a little more time.

Point No. 2: Cat owners often love to pamper. Unconditionally.

Cats do not necessarily show their love in a direct way. While the dog is enthusiastic with the Tail wags, the cat sometimes just gently lifts its head when the can opener comes home.

However, this does not stop cat owners from sometimes loving their animals idolatrously. They do not expect anything in return for their love and are thus certainly - especially with regard to emotions - often the most honest people of all.

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Point No. 3: Cat owners appreciate individual characters

Every single cat has its own character. That is precisely what makes these animals so fascinating. Cat owners have long understood that it is almost never possible to change their animal. Either the cat is cuddly or not. Either it purrs or it extends its claws. What may sound at first as if you are at the mercy of your animal's whims is - on closer inspection - merely a sign of appreciation.

And: also in a partnership, exactly this "I love you just the way you are!" is worth its weight in gold. is worth its weight in gold.

Point No. 4: Cat owners are usually more independent

Many dog owners know the problem: it is not always fun to go for the last walk of the evening or the first walk in the morning. But: those who get careless here are sometimes punished with a puddle on the living room floor.

Even though many cats, when they are unhappy, may well also be Master in protest peeing, cat owners are usually much more independent. Here, walking and fetching are completely omitted. Of course: a cat wants to be petted - sometimes more and sometimes less, depending on its character. Nevertheless, these animals are usually less time-consuming than a dog... Especially if they are kept together with a feline friend.

Point No. 5 (very important): Do not generalise!

Of course, the above points cannot be applied to every cat owner or every cat breed. Accordingly, it would be wrong to speak of standards here. Nevertheless, it is fun to look for parallels between human-animal and human-human relationships.

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Because: that's exactly what offers the opportunity to get to know the person behind the animal a little better. And that's exactly what matters, isn't it?


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