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Homophobia in everyday life

Homophobia and homophobia has many facets

Homophobia and homophobia have many facets Homophobia in everyday life is more current than ever, also in Germany. Many queers encounter homophobic people - maybe not every day, but still regularly. The unpleasant experiences are often obvious. But indirect homophobia is also widespread. This often involves certain acts and statements that discredit homosexuals and show... weiterlesen

Beatrix von Storch says there are too many gays on TV

Beatrix von Storch says there are too many gays on TV

Beatrix von Storch gets upset about too many gays on TV While many people support the inclusion and public representation of the LGBTQ Scene While the AfD welcomes the new political developments, there are also critics who are not happy with the current tolerant developments. Many AfD politicians have already expressed their views accordingly. Beatrix von Storch and... weiterlesen

What are the most widespread prejudices against gays?

What are the most widespread prejudices against gay people?

Homophobic prejudice - what is actually "anti-gay"? Unfortunately, many people still can't understand why gays react so hurt to slogans and public hostility. Certainly, almost every gay man has been confronted with "Don't be like that!" or "You can also exaggerate everything! But - no! Homophobia... weiterlesen

Rafi Rachek brutally beaten up

Rafi Rachek

Homophobia: Rafi Rachek brutally beaten up Even today, in 2020, homophobia is still part of many people's everyday lives. A few days ago, Rafi Rachek was brutally beaten up in Cologne. The former "The Bachelorette" and "Bachelor in Paradise" contestant was remembered by many TV viewers mainly because it was live on TV as gay outed. Today lives... weiterlesen

Homophobia - Attacks in Berlin - how safe are homosexuals?


Attacks in Berlin - how safe are homosexuals from hate? The current media reports are shocking: time and again, Germany's capital in particular becomes the scene of attacks on homosexuals. But it is not only here that some people seem to have a problem accepting people with an inclination towards their own sex. In many other places, too,... weiterlesen