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Düsseldorf sets an example for diversity and respect.

Düsseldorf sets an example for diversity

A CSD was supposed to take place in Düsseldorf this year as well. However, this - like all other events of this kind - unfortunately fell victim to the corona virus. Nevertheless, the people of Düsseldorf did not miss the opportunity to set a special example.

In front of the town hall of the city, the Rainbow flag. At the same time, on Friday, 26 June 2020, the starting signal was given for a series of different actions around Diversity, diversity and the Scene was given. Among other things, the Stonewall riots were commemorated in front of City Hall. They took place in New York in 1969, where homosexuals and transsexuals fought with police officers. Since the confrontation took place mainly on the famous Christopher Street, we celebrate Christopher Street Day today.

But back to Düsseldorf...

The capital of North Rhine-Westphalia has decided to bathe the weekend from 26 to 28 June in rainbow colours and thus spread a very special message. Among other things, the rainbow flag will shine on a screen at the well-known Kö-Bogen.

However, the bicycle demonstration is likely to be a special highlight. The "Tour de Rainbow" starts at 2 p.m. in the city centre and then makes its way through the streets. Those who wish can also participate without a bike and on foot (there will be a separate route).

In connection with further actions and information events, everyday problems of the scene, such as discrimination and Coming Out, should be pointed out.

The various actions fit into the image of the cosmopolitan city. Düsseldorf has a comparatively large LGBTQ community and invites people - even far away from the CSD - to break down prejudices and dare to look beyond their own nose. In addition, the city has set up various counselling centres - including at the Heinrich Heine University - where gays, transsexual and co. can inform themselves about support services.

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A look at the city's history and the treatment of homosexuality

Düsseldorf's history is considered comparatively well researched - especially with regard to the war events between 1939 and 1945. Particularly impressive are the many individual fates, some of which can be described in great detail, especially in connection with persecuted homosexuals.

It was a long way until the city finally managed to become as open as it is today. Here, too, the National Socialist leadership had made homosexuality a punishable offence, after all. However, history also shows that nothing is impossible, especially with regard to tolerance and the elimination of prejudices. An impressive ray of hope that perhaps gives a little courage to many gays worldwide.

A CSD in times of Corona

Admittedly, those who were actually looking forward to the CSD in Düsseldorf, celebrating in the bars of the "longest bar in the world" and other highlights, might have been a little disappointed in 2020. But the actions that have been initiated here and are supported by the most diverse agencies in the city show that there is almost always a way to draw attention to grievances.

Accordingly, numerous spectators and participants are expected - especially in connection with the bicycle demo. Respecting the rules of distance, but nevertheless no less colourful, there is a high probability that the message will get through.


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