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Glory Holes - more popular than ever?

The Glory Holes are more popular than ever

Not only gays know that the dating conditions in the time of the Corona crisis were or still are quite "special".

The same applies, of course, with regard to erotic cruising adventures. Those who wanted to act responsibly here have limited themselves in recent months to chat adventures, among other things, and in many cases refrained from real meetings.

Admittedly: always "just" writing and a little bit now and then Cam Sex can become boring in the long run. That the members of the Gay Scene However, the current fact that glory holes are becoming more and more popular shows that the latter can also be inventive.

But what exactly are these places? And what are the advantages of these special meeting places?

What is a glory hole?

As the name already suggests, a Glory Hole is actually a hole. This is in a wall, so that the person who is on one side does not know what awaits him on the other side.

He puts his Penis through said hole and can be pampered. Anyone who looks at this "fringe data" quickly realises that the Glory Hole gets by with comparatively little physical contact, but still gets the participants to their destination.

Of course, the danger of transmitting a corona infection, for example, is still great here. Nevertheless, the increased popularity shows that many gay men feel comparatively safe having this kind of sex.

What should be considered when having sex at the Glory Hole?

When looking for a glory hole with a "lively public", many gays find what they are looking for on the internet. Especially in big cities and at motorway rest areas, the holes are often already standard. Specific enquiries within the gay scene can also help to quickly find a suitable location.

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Particularly because of the anonymity offered, it is important to use condoms, among other things. This way many STDs be prevented.

And: whoever decides to have a sexual encounter at a glory hole should be aware that the respective locations are not always clean. Many fans of Dirty Sex appreciate the characteristic rest area atmosphere. Other gays might be put off by precisely this lack of hygiene.

Those who fancy a more sophisticated environment can, of course, also resort to a hole in the sex club. Many providers have included this "extra" in their premises.

What is special about the Glory Hole?

The question: "What actually makes the Glory Hole so attractive for its users?" is quite legitimate. For many gay men, it is the mix of anonymity and "dirty image" that ensures that they visit these places again and again.

Depending on how intensively a glory hole is visited, there is also no need for direct dates in advance. Many sex locations of this kind are so well known that there is very rarely a shortage of partners.

Not 100% safe, but possibly a somewhat safer alternative to classic sex.

Those who like sex with strangers have certainly found a suitable alternative in the Glory Hole. However, it would be wrong to feel too safe here - especially with regard to the possible transmission of a corona infection.

Therefore, it is best to continue to limit (close) contact with strangers to a manageable level and, in connection with sex and the like, not to miss out on the fun. come to let

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