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Gamescom 2020 - which games are among the highlights?

Gamescom 2020 - which games are among the highlights

Millions of gamers must have breathed a sigh of relief at the news from some time ago: Gamescom 2020 will take place - despite Corona. Admittedly: The world's largest trade fair of its kind can only open its doors because said doors are virtual. Or in other words: the entire Gamescom will take place on the Internet this year due to the pandemic. Anyone who wants to be there can log on to the XXL WLAN party and find out about the latest trends in the games industry. Scene inform.

The livestream alone raised expectations. More than 35 games were presented. Unfortunately, there were technical problems here and there, so that the corresponding trailers could not always be displayed properly.

But the message was still clear! The games and gaming industry will not let itself be defeated, even - or especially - in times of Corona. On the contrary, the individual manufacturers used their trailers to show how versatile the 2020 scene has become.

But which highlights were particularly memorable here? Which sequences seem promising? And where is the most action waiting? The following games represent only a fraction of a long list of trailers. Due to the range of games, many gamers should have gotten their money's worth during the opening show.

"Call of Duty: Black Ops - Cold War"

What would Gamescom 2020 be without "Call of Duty"? This year, the classic is back at the start. This time everything revolves around the Cold War. The trailer shows that the focus is not only on action and fighting spirit. Familiar faces, such as that of ex-president Ronald Reagan, are also in the game.

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The attention to detail was also convincing once again. Those who know the various parts of the "Call of Duty" series have high expectations... All of which will certainly be fulfilled.

"World of Warcraft: Shadowlands"

World of Warcraft Shadowlands

This news (and the accompanying trailer) should make all "WoW" fans sit up and take notice. Because: in the context of the "Shadowlands" expansion, everything takes place in the afterlife. So anyone looking for a new challenge in the familiar "World of Warcraft" style should get their money's worth here. come. Fittingly, the slightly dark title is to be released shortly before Halloween.

"Little Nightmares 2"

"Little Nightmares 2"

Speaking of "spooky": with "Little Nightmares 2", a real classic should also be waiting here for fans of the genre. The first part of the series already showed that it is quite possible to combine an almost creepy-cute ambience with an appealing spook factor. The second part is not for the faint-hearted. Nevertheless, the player can expect an affectionate design here. Accordingly, it should not be too "splattery".

"Lego Star Wars"
Lego Star Wars

The figures of our childhood are back. After several Lego series have already seen the light of day in the gaming world, it is now time to turn our attention to "Lego Star Wars".

This time, the story around the Skywalker family is put under the microscope. Those who know the Lego Games know that this is not likely to happen without a healthy dose of humour. Here, the games do not differ too much from the films.

Will Gamescom 2020 be as successful as its predecessors?

Hard to say. After all, there has never been a comparable event of this kind before. Never before has a fair, which normally attracts many visitors from home and abroad, been digitised.

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Most of the time, the digital content complemented the "real" Gamescom, making it a great way to watch the news again on the screen. In 2020, everything is different. Maybe this is even an opportunity for the fair to reinvent itself in a way?

One thing is certain: after lockdown, contact bans and the like, interest in games is particularly high. According to current studies, the gaming industry is one of the winners of the crisis. It remains to be seen whether the response to the virtual Gamescom will also be positive and whether the current developments will also have an influence on Gamescom 2021.


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