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How queer will the German Radio Prize be in 2020?

"SPUTNIK Pride" - new podcast about queer culture

It's that time again! The German Radio Awards are coming up. This time, the queer community in particular is looking at the Scene to the event. Because: among other things, the "Sputnik Pride"podcast in the category "Best Podcast". Together with him, two other podcasts are in the running.

But what are the actual chances of "Sputnik Pride"? And who is behind the offer?

Exciting details about "Sputnik Pride" in the overview

The man behind "Sputnik Pride" is Kai Witvrouwen. Among other things, Kai focuses on the queer cultural scene and thus manages to show many different facets. Of course, not only gays and queers appreciate his wide-ranging offer. Witvrouwen's fan community is also made up of many straight people and different age groups, among others.

Because: the podcast host has also made it his mission to clarify classic prejudices about gays, lesbians and transsexuals. So his podcast certainly helps to build bridges and make the boundaries between "us" and "them" a little more fluid.

Anyone who takes a look at the history of "Sputnik Pride" will quickly realise that this offer about queer and co. is by no means a classic flash in the pan. On the contrary. The podcast has been around since 2019 and has since managed to attract more and more attention and expand its fan base.

A sympathetic approach to an important topic

Every day, homosexuals (also in Germany) have to learn that there is certainly still a long way to go until complete equality in all areas is achieved. Accordingly, it is self-explanatory why "Sputnik Pride" also often addresses serious topics. But perhaps this is also the secret of the podcast.

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Because: Witvrouwen always manages to package even the aforementioned serious topics in such a way that it is fun to listen.

No matter whether it is, for example, a matter of agreeing on a (preferably stress-free) Coming Out or thinking about the big love, first sex, etc.: there is hardly a topic that is not addressed at "Sputnik Pride". Anyone looking for advice on a particular life situation is likely to find what they are looking for here.

But the competition is also strong. Besides the Queer Podcast, "" and "NDR Info" are entering the race with their formats "Tracks & Traces" and "Hundertachtzig Grad - Geschichten gegen den Hass". Opposing offerings that have, however, always managed to attract the interest of their listeners... And keep it.

The German Radio Prize in times of Corona

The presentation of the German Radio Award will of course also be strongly influenced by the current Corona pandemic. However, it is also certain that the winners will be surprised with their prizes on 10 September 2020.

If you want to be there as a spectator, you can watch the livestream on the website of the German Radio Prize at the relevant time. As in previous years, Barbara Schöneberger will guide through the (virtual) event.

However, the Corona crisis and the changed procedure should not harm the success of the award. Because: whoever wins here can actually feel honoured. The winners, by the way, who are chosen in a total of ten categories, have then managed to prevail against a large competition of more than 130 broadcasters.

Should "Sputnik Pride" win, it would accordingly also be a great victory for the queer community. But the nomination alone, alongside two really strong competitors, should have ensured that an even broader public becomes aware of the queer podcast.

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