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Madonna films her life

Madonna films her life

For many fans, she is proof that a person's age is really just a number. What's more, she knows what she wants... And obviously has no problem standing by it: Madonna!

The "Queen of Pop"now wants to bring her own life to the screen. She is also writing the screenplay herself.

Biographies on the screen - not a rarity

Where once books were almost exclusively written, today they are filmed. Works about famous personalities enjoy particular popularity. Thus, in the past, films about the lives of Elton John and Freddie Mercury people into the cinemas.

Now there will soon be an even deeper insight into Madonna's life. The fans should be pleased. Because: even though few artists are as present in the media as she is, it always seems as if there might still be a little secret lurking here and there.

The question of which details Madonna The media world is currently preoccupied with the question of who might reveal something about themselves in a film.

According to an official statement from Universal should also Diablo Cody ("Juno") work as a screenwriter. So the signs are good that it will be Madonna could manage to join the list of great, popular biographies of artists.

Her life so far offers a lot of material in this respect, which is just waiting to be processed in a cinema-friendly way. From shock videos to Toy Boys and the odd scandal: Madonna polarises... And could use precisely this fact to lure the masses into the cinemas. Anyone who has familiarised themselves in recent years with the Pop-Diva should expect a film that glosses over nothing and leaves out little. All the better. What would a cinema release be without one or two headlines and speculation?

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Madonna films her life

Who is Madonna, anyway?

Especially the children of the 1980s and 1990s know what kind of Style icon it is a matter of Madonna acts. She was one of the first to shock with flashy outfits, and - for example, as in the music video for "Like a Prayer" - had no problem crossing borders.

Sometimes lady, sometimes vamp, sometimes "buddy guy"... Madonna was somehow everything. Among other things, she was also an actress. Among other things, she played in classics such as "Vision Quest" and "Susan - desperately wanted". She was sometimes loved by the critics, sometimes torn apart. In the end, she always had her special successes with music. At the beginning of the 1990s, she even received a Oscar for the "Best Original Song".

But even though Madonna has grown older over the years, it is clear that she has by no means calmed down. Now a mother, she still performs at over 60 and sometimes looks as if she is trying to cheat age.

Accordingly, her film ventures on a colourful journey back in time to her roots and stops at special stations in her life. In addition, one or two highlights in the form of previously unknown facts should await the audience. Because: if Madonna herself is already involved in the script, the whole thing MUST be big.

And who knows? Maybe not only die-hard Madonna fans will be drawn to the cinemas, but also those who want to expand their knowledge of one of the greatest pop phenomena of all?

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