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New Lord Mayor of Düsseldorf with an important message to the LGBTQ community

Düsseldorf New Lord Mayor with a Message to the Community

The mayoral elections in Düsseldorf resembled a political thriller. Only in the run-off election could the new mayor of Dr Stephan Keller from the CDU win the race for themselves.

Since, among others, his predecessor from the SPD, Thomas Geisel, especially with regard to LGBTQ and Co. showed themselves to be very open and inspiring, many Düsseldorfers now asked themselves the question of the extent to which Dr. Keller will be able to follow in the footsteps in terms of community.

However, a first statement certainly makes LGBTQ people breathe a little easier.

Keller's plans for the CSD

Not only Cologne, but also Düsseldorf is now regarded as a particularly popular place to go when it comes to the famous Christopher Street Day to celebrate. For the LGBTQ community, however, the election of the new mayor will not change anything. Because: also Dr Stefan Keller would like, like his predecessor Thomas Geisel, the Rainbow flag hoisted. He recently made this statement to the WAZ Group and is keeping the promise he made in this regard before the election.

This is a special turning point in the history of the state capital. Because: just under CDU Leadership refused to fly the flag at City Hall. Ring Cellar a new era?

Düsseldorf New Lord Mayor with a Message to the Community

Further, promising plans

Cellar has not generally excluded the LGBTQ issue from his election campaign, but has repeatedly mentioned that he will support the community. Above all, the fight against discrimination against queers and counselling options apparently play a particularly important role for the CDU man.

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Accordingly, queers who had been somewhat sceptical about the election of the party, which is considered to be rather conservative, should now breathe a little easier.

Whether it Cellar will finally manage to keep all its promises and what, if any, changes will be made for the LGBTQ community will then become clear from the beginning of November 2020. Cellar Hostagenamely from.

However, anyone who delves a little into Düsseldorf's city history will inevitably realise that the city existed even before Cellar (and Hostage) has managed to deal with its own past - also in relation to persecuted homosexuals during the Second World War. It would therefore only be a logical conclusion to continue exactly here and thus further strengthen the rights of gays, lesbians, queers and co.

How do other federal states proceed?

Possibly (or definitely) there are many outsiders who cannot understand why it can be so important to a community that the famous rainbow flag flies over a city hall during the CSD.

But: for many members of the Scene a sign that they are - as self-evident as it may sound - recognised and represented as part of the community. Even if this should be a matter of course, homophobic attacks and insults unfortunately show again and again that society still has to build many bridges and tear down walls here.

By the way, Düsseldorf is one of the more open cities in this context. Other cities, for example in the north of the republic, decided not to fly flags this year. The rainbow flag at the city hall is therefore not only suitable to draw attention to the CSD, but is also used to make a statement for more openness, cohesion and equality.

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It is a pity that people are obviously still bothered by such an act.



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