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"Witches Witch" - the remake

"Witches Witch" comes to the cinemas as a remake

Children of the 90s and fans of flashy costumes, a bit of trash and a whole lot of magic should be pleased. Because: the first trailer for the remake of "Witches witches" was recently published.

The original is a work that both thrilled and slightly disturbed. It is still difficult to understand why the film was released for the age of six. At the latest when Anjelica Houston as head witch herself "Without mask" took many children's breath away.

But the new trailer for the film also looks promising. This time in the leading role: the beautiful Anne Hathawaywho has already appeared in films such as "The Devil Wears Prada"convinced. In "The Witches", things are now a little darker again for the all-rounder.

A remake by Robert Zemeckis and Guillermo del Toro

Anyone who looks at the list of artists who will be presenting the new "Witches witchesThe "The New York" programme, which will be a real success, will recognise many familiar names. Among others are Robert Zemecki ("Forrest Gump" and "Cast Away") and Guillermo del Torowho also worked on productions such as "Hellboy"was also part of the party.

The trailer for the new film has an effect on those who "Witches witches" in its original version, certainly almost still "good". Whether, due to the fact that said trailer must surely also run in the cinema previews for other films, the "evil contents" was waived is questionable.

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One thing is certain: Those who have seen the 1990 version will be prepared for possible shock effects and may follow the film a little more tensely.

What is "Hexen hexen" about?

The film lives from a special magic, from great costumes and extravagant characters. The focus is on a grandmother who spends time in a hotel with her son. Again and again, the grandmother tells the child that there really are witches.

Some of them are also staying at the hotel because they are holding a kind of congress to find a way to eliminate the children of this world. The solution: turn the children into mice. The rest would then be taken care of by the exterminator of said hotel anyway.

With a few exceptions, it currently looks as if the remake will largely follow the original closely. The fans should be pleased. At HBO Max the work is to be seen as early as 22 October 2020. But it certainly won't be long before "Witches witches" also conquered Germany.

Anne Hathaway and the LGBTQ Community

Anne Hathaway is also important for the LGBTQ community is no stranger. In the past, the actress has repeatedly campaigned for the rights of gays and lesbians. Scene strong and held, among other things, a Human Rights campaign gave an impressive speech on the subject. In addition, the actress made headlines by donating the amount she received for the sale of her wedding pictures to an organisation that supported same-sex marriage. Or - as she herself put it so aptly at the time: "Let's tear this world apart and build a better one."

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As long as successful actresses or people in the public eye, among others, position themselves so clearly, this goal could be achieved a little more every day.


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Tobi M. 8. October 2020 um 13:51

I'm really looking forward to the film, it's really nostalgic and brings back childhood memories of when I was scared when the witches dropped their masks in the banquet hall :O

Ps. Keep up the good work, I love your daily posts LG Tobi


maik 13. October 2020 um 16:57

We would love to, dear Tobi, that's exactly why we write our news diligently every day 🙂


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