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Ross Antony gets his best Christmas present

Ross Antony had his mother over for Christmas

The impact of the pandemic is also being felt by, among others, the Celebrity World to be very difficult. Performance bans, Entry restrictions, Hygiene requirements - also for Entertainer it was 2020 not easy. All the more everyone was looking forward to contemplative and tranquil Christmas with your loved ones. So too Ross Antony. The Father Christmas a very special gift this year.

Already when the lively blond was born in the year 2001 into the band Bro'Sis was cast, it was clear to many people that here was a bird of paradise that would see the light of day. Media world has seen the light of day. Even after the break-up of the band, things went well for the native. English pretty well - both privately and professionally.

Especially in the Hit scene He was able to hold his own and has since been excluded from the German Show business It is no longer possible to imagine life without it.

Christmas at Ross's home

Even Hollywood could certainly take a leaf out of the Christmasspirit of the 46-year-old. Hardly has the Christmas time is also rung in, will also Ross Antony every year from the Christmas Spirit packed.

Then it is called decorate, bake, Gifts buy and pack, cooking, plan and the Enjoy time with loved ones.

At November it will be with him and his husband Paul Reeves so right christmas. The two love Christmas and decorate their home with a very special passion. The passion for this special Fixed even goes so far as to create a small private Christmas market on their property - with Biscuits and Mulled wine - Build up.

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Not only the Decorationbut also Tradition, Friends and Family are important to the two when it comes to the "Feast of love" to celebrate. The current situation ensures that Ross and Paul had to plan a little more.

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Now the ex- Bro'Sis Singer already before Christmas his greatest gift. Despite various problems and a lot of stress, he was able, together with his Mother the Christmas spend.

The pop star shared his joy about this with his fans on Instagram. Besides the happy couple pictures with his husband Paul there is now also a photo with Ross Antony and its Mother.

The sparkle in his eyes shows pure joy that everything has turned out well after all. Underneath he writes: "The best gift ever!" Its Mother have done it, Christmas to Germany to come. However, he still could not really believe it.

The two have not seen each other for a year. The joy about the reunion was and is all the greater.

An important person is missing

Although the joy is indescribably great, a small downer will be the Celebrations accompany us at all times.

Father Denis Catterall missing for the "perfect family image". Ross' Father died in the year 2017 of cancer. So it's all the more beautiful to see that the family man Christmas together with his Mother and his beloved Husband can spend.

Professionally, 2021 should also be successful again

That Ross Antony in interviews and at TV Performances The fact that he seems so carefree and happy is surely partly due to the fact that things couldn't be going better for him professionally.

Especially since he has been Solo artist on the Schlager he is a regular contributor to relevant Shows to see. He is considered one of the familiar faces of the Hit scene and also used the Corona Crisis, among other things, to make a general impression in the TV to become even more present. For example, in the year 2020 in various Quiz shows guest.

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With a little luck and the right offers, this should certainly not change this year.



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