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This is the body jewellery all piercing fans want to have in 2021

These men's piercings are hot in 2021

The Piercing trend is unbroken. What was often referred to in the 1990s as the "entertainingThe "ring", which was ridiculed in the past, still enjoys great popularity today. Among other things, many men are also enthusiastic about the rings and plugs on the most diverse parts of the body.

If you want to get your first (or tenth) piercing in 2021, you may be well advised to orientate yourself on well-known classics. Because: these are currently more popular than ever!

In addition, the fear of pain is unfounded in many cases (but not in all!). At the latest when the piercing is in place, the discomfort surrounding the piercing is forgotten anyway. Moreover, if you take good care of your piercing, inflammation will rarely occur.

Piercing trend no. 1: the ear

Piercing Trend No. 1 the Ear

Anyone who has taken a closer look at ear piercings will certainly recognise that there is no such thing as the "classic ear piercing". Rather, fans of this type of jewellery have the opportunity to choose from several variations (and locations).

By the way, in many cases it doesn't just stay with one piercing. Once you have started, you will often find new places that have not yet been decorated.

Piercing trend no. 2: the nipple

Piercing trend no. 2 the nipple

Many gays love their nipple piercing. No wonder! After all, this is a sexy spot that can be optimally emphasised with the right little stone. By the way, there are also great possibilities with regard to sex with piercing wearers. A pierced nipple is often particularly sensitive to touch.

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Piercing trend no. 3: the belly button

Piercing trend no. 3: the belly button

A piercing for the brave and all those who want to attract attention! The sexy belly button piercing is by no means reserved for women. On the contrary! For men too - especially in combination with a slight six-pack - this piece of jewellery can become a real eye-catcher. The bars are still particularly popular and often attract even more attention with a small, coloured stone.

Piercing trend no. 4: the intimate area
Piercing trend no. 4: the intimate area

What may sound a little painful at first is one of the most erotic pieces of jewellery of all: intimate jewellery. No matter where the ring or the rod is placed: the surprise effect during the first sex with a new partner is almost certain for the piercing wearer.

Especially here it is extremely important to focus on a high level of care and hygiene! Otherwise, inflammations can quickly develop and become very painful.

Piercing trend no. 5: the tongue
Piercing Trend No. 5 the tongue

Fancy a special kick at the French kiss? How about a tongue piercing then? Even if it means chewing VERY carefully for a certain time after the piercing: It's worth the effort!

Many men find kisses with tongue piercings very erotic. This is a classic of the piercing Scenewhich, even after more than two decades, is still hipper than ever.

Who do piercings suit particularly well?

Especially with regard to piercings, the well-known motto still applies: "Whatever you like is allowed! The times when piercings were still associated with punks and dropouts are over.

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Today, among other things, there are also many people who combine the special pieces of jewellery with business outfits and co., breaking down old boundaries and thus making piercings even more versatile. Accordingly, anyone who fancies a piercing - either hidden or obvious - is in many cases well advised to be a little brave and pursue their passion for accessories.


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