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In gay jargon, impregnating a partner's anal area means to come. The word "impregnate" in the Gay Scene seems a little unrealistic. Strictly speaking, of course, this does not mean that one of the partners actually gets pregnant! Rather, it's about expressing that one of them at least fulfils the "rough" specifications by jerking off in the other. The term comes... weiterlesen



Tail" is a colloquial word for "tail" or "tail". Penis. Many men associate a big cock with sexual performance By cock is meant the man's penis. This is a colloquial expression, but one that no longer really shocks anyone. No matter whether in small talk, during Dirty Talk or in the chat: who can talk about... weiterlesen



Gays who get along well with each other but (usually) do not have sex with each other often refer to each other as sisters. A gay person's sister is their (also) gay but (usually) platonic friend. Just like the best friend or the best buddy for straight people, this is a person who acts as a contact person for numerous questions and... weiterlesen



Men who love men are called "gay" or " gay".gay". Some people still understand gay as a swear word. Gay means being a man who likes men - and therefore the same sex. Unfortunately, many people still see the word as a swear word. This becomes particularly clear when straight people... weiterlesen

Gay father

Gay father

A gay father is not a rarity. Many men do not realise their inclinations for their own sex until they are older. Being a gay father can put a strain on family life on many levels. After all, homosexuality - especially as a family man - stands against all moral concepts and conventions of society. Anyone who has decided to have a child with a woman is... weiterlesen



A gay man is often called a faggot - usually by other gays. This is more of a belittlement than a swear word. While faggot is definitely a swear word, gay is more of an affectionate term for a gay man. Gays often refer to each other as "faggot", connecting... weiterlesen

Dandruff shower

Dandruff shower

The term "Schwuppenbrause" means prosecco or sparkling wine. The term "Schwuppenbrause" is used colloquially to refer to sparkling wine or prosecco. Of course, the claim "All gay men love sparkling wine!" is a classic prejudice. However, since sparkling wine or prosecco is perceived by many as a classic "women's drink" and many people are still of the opinion that gay men are per... weiterlesen