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Surprising twist: Lithuania now for homosexual relationships after all?!

Lithuania suddenly stands up for the LGBTQ community

Lithuania is currently proving that anyone can change if they want to. With the new Lithuanian government, a lot is supposed to change in the country. According to numerous media reports, this also concerns, among other things, the LGBTQ community in the country.

The political upheavals with new treaties and laws are also intended to benefit homosexual people, among others.

Of particular interest in this context: Lithuania is considered one of the countries where homophobia is particularly widespread. Queers living here face many types of discrimination, including public hostility.

Until now, strict rules applied here: homosexuality was forbidden in schools, stories revolving around homosexual characters were virtually non-existent. Again and again, the laws and regulations were justified by the opinion that homosexuality could confuse young people.

Groups that wanted to counteract this development and advocated for increased enlightenment in this context were often "ostracised" by the conservative forces in the country.

The influence of the laws on the basic mood of the population

No question: Laws of this kind naturally also influence, among other things, the opinion on the corresponding topics among the population. It is therefore not surprising that the majority of people in Lithuania are critical of homosexual relationships.

But now, under the new government, many things are to change in this respect. Lithuania is to become more liberal and open. The basis for the planned developments is to be formed by a coalition agreement, which was initiated by the centre-right parties.

The corresponding announcements come surprising, but give hope that the lives of queers in Lithuania will change for the better in the future.

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Lithuania's new course - what changes are in store?

Admittedly: the goals to be achieved - among others on the basis of the above-mentioned treaty - are certainly a small, big challenge.

Among other things, the aim is to make many processes in the country a little less bureaucratic. The economy should also benefit from this.

Although Simonyte did not want to strengthen homosexual rights during the election campaign, The improvement of the Position of homosexuals in Lithuania is therefore only one building block of many that should influence the lives of people in the country in the future.

Among others, homosexual couples should even be allowed to marry. "Even"? Yes, "even". As already mentioned: there were or are few countries in the EU that are considered as homophobic as Lithuania.

Lithuania adapts to international standards

Many people in Lithuania may have breathed a sigh of relief at the recent news. With its plans, the country joins the ranks of other countries where it is already (at least usually) no problem to cross the street together as a gay couple.

The orientation towards international standards should bring the country forward and - perhaps also for other countries, such as Poland - be seen as a trend-setter.

Nevertheless, with all the positive news, it should not be forgotten that there is still "room for improvement" in the EU as well. Unfortunately, in the entire EU area, for example, homosexual couples are only allowed to marry in just under half of the states.

One thing is certain: Lithuania's new political course proves that even the most homophobic countries can reorient themselves.

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The likelihood that the prejudices in the minds of many people can also be reduced due to the planned changes in the law is quite high. Something that is no longer prohibited can "maybe not be so bad after all", right?


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