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Gay in the music scene: These five outings have left a lasting impression

The most famous outings in music history

Nowadays, the music industry welcomes just about anyone with musical talent. Nowhere can creativity be unleashed more freely than in the field of music. Sexual orientation no longer plays too big a role - at least for most people.

But this was not always the case. In the past, homosexual artists often hid in the shadow of a "Womanizer" images, since with a Outing career was at stake.

Some outings in the music scene have left a formative impression to this day and show that many artists have managed to become real role models in this way, among other things.

Freddie Mercury - an absolute legend not only for the LGBTQ community

Freddie Mercury - an absolute legend not only for the LGBTQ community

Freddie Mercury is considered the icon in the ranks of gay musicians. Unlike other artists, he never made a secret of his homosexuality.

On the contrary! He stood by his one-night stands, visits to leather clubs and Gay saunas. His work, his performances on the great stages of this world and his videos together with Queen represented a milestone - not only for the homosexual community.

His life as a homosexual man was far less shocking to many than the announcement of the rock icon's HIV infection. He decided to make his illness public only shortly before his death.

The involuntary outing: George Michael

The involuntary outing of George Michael

Until today George Michael not only because of its "Last Christmas"unforgotten. Back then, when he was still with the band "Wham"When he was on the road, he was adored by many women, among others.

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George Michael gay? Many fans could not imagine exactly that. Until 1998, the singer managed to keep the secret, until a sex adventure in a public toilet ensured that his inclinations came to the public. Accordingly Michael's Outing definitely not planned.

Since this incident, he publicly admitted his homosexuality - until his death.

A shock for the female world: Ricky Martin's coming out

A shock for the women's world Ricky Martin's coming out

"Living La Vida Loca" was at least as well known as Ricky Martins hip swing. Who could have imagined the hot rhythms of the 1990s without this Latino star? But even back then it was secretly rumoured that the Puerto Rican-born singer was gay.

In 2010, the singer himself finally put an end to the guesswork. He could no longer stand the pressure and admitted his homosexuality. A decision he obviously does not seem to have regretted. Today he seems more balanced than ever.

The Bird of Paradise: Elton John
The Bird of Paradise Elton John

Especially in the 1980s was always talked about Elton Johns bisexuality. After a brief marriage to the sound engineer Renate Blauel he came out as gay. Today he is one of the best-known and most popular homosexual artists.

Nobody makes it like him, Elegance, flashy outfits and Charisma to create a very special lifestyle.

John's Outing is one of those events that, while not particularly shocking, still came as a bit of a surprise. Today he uses his Popularity among other things, to advocate for gay rights worldwide.

Elton John's Living Room Concert Fetched $8 Million

Exotic, colourful and perhaps ahead of his time: Boy George

Exotic, colourful and perhaps ahead of his time Boy George

In the 1980s, the music scene - not only due to the above-mentioned Elton John - more experimental.

Especially in England, the homosexual orientation of an artist seemed to be less of an issue. Among others, this also benefited Boy Georgewho at this time was mainly working with his band Culture Club active was.

For about five years he was also in a relationship with the drummer of the band. Due to his exotic appearance and his open approach to his sexuality, he quickly became a gay icon of this particular decade. In an interview he once revealed that David Bowies outing to bisexuality helped him with his own outing.



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