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Queer podcasts - topics, discussion approaches and exciting content

 Five queer podcasts you should definitely listen to

Winter is here! A wonderful time to snuggle up at home and take a closer look at the latest podcasts. Certainly also due to the increased interest, there are now many podcasts that deal - sometimes more, sometimes less intensively - with the queer lifestyle and classic challenges of those affected.

The following podcasts are some of the offerings that show that listening to episodes does not always have to be "mainstream". The people behind the individual episodes obviously attach great importance to answering classic questions and thus in a way serve as an indirect contact for the community.

Of course, the market for successful podcasts continues to grow. Therefore, it is worthwhile to keep looking for new offers.

Accordingly, the following list is only a small excerpt.

Anders Amen

Anders Amen

At "Anders Amen"is a popular podcast for queer believers who want to experience that church and queerness can be combined. Behind the offer are Ellen and Steffi. Both are pastors and married to each other. In their episodes they talk about their everyday life, love and their existence as parents. Sex and prejudices are also topics that come up again and again.



The Podcast "Queerology" goes in a similar direction. Matthias Roberts, the man behind the individual episodes, attaches great importance, among other things, to exchanging views on faith and being queer with people from a wide range of backgrounds. He regularly invites theologians and people from other fields and thus offers a wide-ranging potpourri of opinions. This podcast should be particularly interesting for listeners who enjoy discussion. comeas particularly versatile aspects and world views become clear here.

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The Prince Charming Podcast

The Prince Charming Podcast

A must for all fans of the format! Interestingly, however, it is not only about who was able to get a single date, when and why. Rather, the most diverse topics around the gay community are addressed. Sometimes - as for example in the episode on the World Gay Day - the focus is on theAids-Day - also has more serious aspects.

Hence the deceptive designation "Prince Charming" podcast a little bit. Even gays who don't follow the format might get stuck here.

Make-up removed
Make-up removed

The Podcast "Make-up removed" is not only aimed at transsexual'e people, but actually to all queers. Here come LailaLicious and Marcella Rockefeller have their say. The focus is, among other things - but as mentioned, not only - on the Drag Scene.

If you fancy a little action, a little Drama Queen and has an all-round view, including of the media landscape, is in the right place here. Time and again, he also encourages those who are regarded by society as "different"The aim is to not lose confidence and to stand proudly by oneself.

queer references
queer references

At "queer references"The listener is repeatedly given the impression of having just met two good friends for coffee. Here they not only talk, but every now and then they also discuss properly.

The podcast often seems spontaneous, but in no way disorganised. On the contrary! Fabi and Isawho are behind this offer, show in a sympathetic way that you don't always have to agree to get along well. The topics covered here are as diverse as the community itself. It's about art, culture and - of course - about the lockdown and its effects.

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