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The coolest styles for men -Men's Hairstyles 2020

The coolest styles for men - Trend hairstyles 2020

These men's hairstyles are particularly trendy in late summer 2020. What would an exciting look be without the matching men's hairstyles? Just about every season has its very own trends when it comes to making an individual statement. But what actually applies in this context for the coming months? With which men's hairstyles is "mann" on the safe side?... weiterlesen

Drink properly - tips for high temperatures

Drink properly - tips for high temperatures

Temperatures up to 40°C - 5 tips for adequate hydration. Germany is groaning under the heat wave! Temperatures are rising and in many places are now easily breaking the 35°C mark. What you need to do now - besides a positive attitude to life, fun at the Flirt and jumping into the quarry pond - is at least as important: adequate hydration. Many summer lovers... weiterlesen

Unfortunately, more and more pets are given away !

Unfortunately, more and more pets are given away !

Pet owners in a bind - Unfortunately, more and more pets are being surrendered ! The most popular pets, the dog is considered "man's best friend", the cat the most cuddly roommate. Especially during the Corona crisis, many people realised how nice it can be to live with an animal. But what if the home office is again replaced by the classic... weiterlesen

Love between vegans and meat eaters

Love between vegans and meat eaters

Veggie and meat-eater relationships - is that even possible? Many gays (and of course many straights) know the problem: their partner is a vegetarian, while they themselves could never imagine giving up their "much-loved" steak. In turn, many veggies can also identify with the challenge of watching their loved one eat a schnitzel.... weiterlesen

Which home workout is best for me?

Which Fitness Workout is Best for Me

Which home fitness workout is best for me in times of Corona? The period of (partly self-imposed) quarantine has left its mark on many. Due to the closure of gyms, people tended to do less sport, while at the same time their daily calorie intake increased. So it's high time to declare war on the extra kilos! But how? Sport... weiterlesen

Trampolining instead of lifting weights

Jumping on the trampoline instead of lifting weights

Jumping instead of lifting weights - that's why trampolines are so popular. The Corona crisis fundamentally changed people's lives. Many were torn from their everyday lives from one moment to the next and were forced to take up new hobbies, among other things. Some sports fans who want to steel their bodies for the summer now visit the numerous trampoline parks... weiterlesen