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Gay Cruising Areas - best conditions for special adventures

10 April 2020 18:12

Whoever is surprised by the term "Gay Cruising"If you think of a gay cruise, a little research will tell you otherwise. Gay cruising is a very special way to meet like-minded people. The goal: to find a new sex partner. But how can a perfect basis for passionate success actually be created here?

As is so often the case, it is of course important to look in the right places. This is exactly where the popular gay cruising comes in. Because: with gay cruising, gay men deliberately set out to look for their next adventure.

"On the way" can definitely be taken literally here. Cruising can be done on foot as well as by various means of transport. Once a suitable partner has been found, a passionate (and usually spontaneous) Sex adventure As a rule, nothing more stands in the way.

Why is gay cruising so popular?

Many gay men love to make their sex life a little more adventurous with gay cruising. One aspect that is particularly enticing here is certainly the phenomenon of anonymity. The first step is to satisfy one's needs without getting involved in relationships and possible problems.

It is also particularly characteristic that the sex, as it often takes place in forbidden places, is perceived by many as extremely exciting.

In which places can gay cruising take place?

Basically, gay cruising is not limited to a single place. This special passion can be pursued indoors as well as outdoors. Very popular, however, are:

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If you are looking for an opportunity to experience a spontaneous sexual adventure of this kind, you should definitely find out in advance about the various highlights in the respective city. This is one of the ways to prevent misunderstandings. In the course of time, many gay cruising locations have also introduced special identification features. For example, interested gays have the possibility to recognise themselves by a certain style of clothing or a (more or less conspicuous) accessory.

Furthermore, it is also important to note that having sex in public is what is known as "causing a public nuisance". Anyone who is caught, comma must expect penalties.

Popular Cruising Places in Germany

Gays who are looking for cruising opportunities in Germany, come especially in the big cities. Especially in Cologne, Hamburg and Berlin gay cruising parties take place on a regular basis. In the corresponding clubs, sex is part of the specific dates, Flirt and adventure along with it.

Those who want to be even more specific on the road should inquire about various themed events. No matter whether Fetish, colourful or gang bang: here it's fun to try out new things and reinvent your passion again and again. Often it is also worthwhile to learn from insiders of the Scene to be provided with real insider tips.

Outdoor Gay Cruising on the other hand, enjoys great popularity in Berlin in particular. Among other places, interested parties can find them at the Baggersee lake in Berlin Buchholz, at the Südkreuz station gate and in the area between the Bäkebrücke bridge and the Krahmersteg bridge. Here, too, tips from experienced cruisers are sometimes worth their weight in gold.

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Fancy an uncomplicated parking adventure? Then head for Hamburg! There are numerous possibilities near the Hanseatic city, including on the A24 and A261. Particularly popular: the Hahnenkoppel car park.



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Manuel19 10. April 2020 um 19:18

Hey, maybe you would like to build up your own category where you put in every city and their gay cruising areas?


harrald 12. April 2020 um 19:29

Happy Easter and happy cruising... when the Merkel lets us out again


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