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More colourful and diverse than ever: World Of Warcraft Shadowlegends gets new characters

Good news for all gamers! The already extensive world of World Of Warcraft is to become even more colourful. In a recent interview, the Blizzard-developer, what exactly is going to change here and why the studio has decided to LGBTQ Scene to be more involved in the future.

However, players do not have to prepare themselves for a flood of new characters. Rather, the introduction is to be integrated harmoniously into the game.

One thing is certain: So that succeeds Blizzard a new step in the direction of Diversity! Freely according to the motto: "Every player, whether queer or not, should feel comfortable in the world of World Of Warcraft and thus also realise themselves in a playful way."those responsible are breaking new ground here. The makers have already talked about some new ideas for the corresponding characters. Some of them have even been implemented. The first details arouse curiosity.

First steps: character creation becomes more individual

The first step towards individualising a player has already been taken. Because: new customisation options and a free of charge Gender change in the barber give the player the freedom to make or change his or her character even more individually and according to his or her wishes. New skin tones and the many different facial features are just two of the many new possibilities. With so much choice, creating your own character can take a little time.

Homosexuality and transgender: first characters have already been integrated into World Of Warcraft

The integration of LGBTQ characters into the "World of WarcraftThe "new" world is designed gradually so that the players are not "overrun" by the new characters. Rather, the innovations are incorporated in a pleasant way so that the respective plot can continue harmoniously and still offers a lot of background information.

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A particularly practical example: the figure Pegalos originally lived in a female body. Now, however, he has chosen a male body as his form and declares that he would feel much more comfortable in it. In the context of the prequel to "Shadowlands"Among other things, a lesbian wedding and a gay relationship are also discussed.

The character Pegalos in WoW is transgender

The two examples make it clear that these are stories that do not intervene in the current story, but nevertheless become (could become?) important for the complete storyline. The respective events happen incidentally, but they ensure that the LGBT issue is brought further into focus.

It is precisely this normality that is probably also Gay, lesbians,Transsexual and co. will be welcomed. After all, "World Of Warcraft"Here is a world as it should be. A world in which it is considered completely "normal" and in which it is not a big issue when gay or lesbian couples or transgender people live their love with all its facets.

Are the Blizzard innovations the beginning of a special movement?

Until now, few video game characters have had a direct connection to the LGBTQ community. Possibly it has Blizzard However, here we have managed to look beyond the end of our noses.

After all, the gaming and gamer scene has long been considered an area in which everyone - regardless of nationality or gender - should feel comfortable. Where better to live out your own preferences than in a colourful fantasy adventure?

The possibility that the competition here in the future will also be active is certainly a given. However, it remains to be seen how intensively the LGBTQ theme will be focused on by the other game creators. Blizzard with its discreet installation in World Of Warcraft set the bar high. It doesn't always take a flashy appearance to convey an important message. Sometimes it is enough to integrate loving details.

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