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Fake Outing for Fame?! - This shot backfired

The Fake Outing for Fame & Clicks on YouTube

Many social media platforms stand behind their LGBTQ community and do everything (or a lot) to ensure that the networks are a safe place for people.

Among other things, they want to help insecure teenagers feel more comfortable and able to stand by their sexuality (and thus also by themselves).

A Outing is a special moment or an individual process and should be treated with respect accordingly. To make a joke out of it and thus play with the feelings of those affected is simply in bad taste. But that is exactly what recently happened on YouTube happens.

The incident surrounding the high-profile fake outing

A well known YouTuber recently made a less than empathetic faux pas that may have cost him some fans. He posted a video on the internet in which he officially identifies himself as gay outed.

Exactly this video, which was already circulating on the internet a few weeks ago, he took back on Monday. His Coming Out was only fake and accordingly acted out. This joke has been met with a lot of criticism, especially in the gay and lesbian community.Scene is now attracting criticism and making waves.

Just on YouTube and Twitter, the reactions were not long in coming. Understandable. After all, many people today are still discriminated against because of their sexuality and have a hard time standing up for themselves. Many people find it repulsive to make a joke out of it.

Incidentally, someone else had a similar "joke" this year. Also Ex-Bachelor Sebastian Preuss posted his alleged coming out, which in retrospect also turned out to be a hoax. Theoretically, it would even have fit. After all, he was the first Bachelorwho had not given the final rose to any of his finalists.

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Perhaps, accordingly, many of his fans here were of the opinion that he, as then Rafi at "Bachelor in Paradise", might have realised that he actually likes men after all. Also his "Gag" was not well received, however.

How far may "pranks" of this kind go?

Becoming famous through the internet is the dream of many young people. However, the competition never sleeps. To stand out from a seemingly endless mass of competitors, it takes a lot of ingenuity.

But how far is a prank at the expense of others actually allowed to go here? What is allowed? And when are the limits of good taste exceeded?

With his fake outing, the YouTuber - at least over a period of several days - deceived the open community and thus enriched himself in clicks and comments.

And that, although he is certainly - also due to the high number of subscribers - considered a role model for many kids and young people.

The reason: Fake outing as an "experiment

Many wonder why a YouTuber at all on it come could stage such a fake outing. According to a video that shortly followed the clarification of the facts, this would have been an experiment to see how people would react to such an action.

After all, the YouTuber for his mistake. He showed understanding and also openly admitted that his main concern had been clicks (and thus attention).

However, the action shows (unfortunately) once again that the inhibitions to exploit the feelings of others and to expose others in a certain way - even if indirectly - are disappearing more and more in this day and age. The Fake Coming Out Video is therefore one of numerous actions or challenges that make outsiders shake their heads.

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No question: with YouTube is certainly an exciting platform and an opportunity to earn money with inventiveness and quality. However, this only applies if the focus is on exciting content and not on inappropriate fakes.

The good news: of course there are also positive examples! Many queer YouTuber are now deliberately aimed at gays who, among other things, are currently struggling with their coming out and thus show them in a helpful way that they are not alone with their respective situation.


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