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Transsexual people were born in the wrong body. They feel like a man, but are - in biological terms - a woman and vice versa. Being transsexual can develop into an enormous psychological burden. Because: those affected were born in the wrong body. Or in other words: biological men feel like women and biological women feel... weiterlesen



A transvestite is a man who likes to dress up as a woman. But: not all transvestites are gay! As the name suggests, the transvestite plays the leading role in travesty shows. He is a man who dresses up as a woman and thus (mostly) entertains his audience. The topics covered in this... weiterlesen



Travesty is a special art form in which men dress up as women (usually in garish outfits). Over the years, the art of travesty has managed to build up a large fan base (also among straight men). Put simply, it's about dressing up as a man as a woman in order to attract the... weiterlesen



Triolism is an - admittedly somewhat academic - word for a Threesome. "Would you like to have a threesome?" is certainly one of the rarer pick-up lines. What is meant here is the question of whether the other person could be enthusiastic about a threesome (i.e. sex with three people). Whoever is looking for... weiterlesen



TS is used as an abbreviation for "transsexual"and can often be found in relevant personal ads and chats. TS is one of the better known abbreviations of the LGBTQ Scene and stands for transsexual. Transsexual people were born in the wrong body. Biological women feel like men and vice versa. Transsexuality is neither an illness nor a disease.... weiterlesen



TT is the abbreviation for the so-called Tit trim... Penetration of the nipples with the hands or with toys. Many gays (and also straight men) are into TT. TT is the abbreviation for titty trimming. This refers to the pampering of the nipples. If you let your mind wander a little, you'll quickly realise that TT can be done in many different ways. weiterlesen



The term Tucke is a form of belittlement. It refers to a gay man. The term Tucke is often used in the context of gay men. Even though it may sound a little rude at first, the term does not always have a negative connotation. Many gays also refer to each other as Tucken, without... weiterlesen



The word "faggot" is often used to describe gay people. The word is not always meant in a positive or self-deprecating way. Unfortunately, in many cases it is also an insult. Not everyone who speaks of a "faggot" associates it with a negative statement. But: unfortunately, many people still see the term as a swear word and use it to refer to particularly feminine... weiterlesen

Fag shower

Fag shower

Fag fizz is another term for sparkling wine or prosecco. It alludes to the image of the rather feminine gay man. Tuntenbrause is another term for sparkling wine or prosecco. If you want to understand the logic behind this term, you have to delve a little deeper into the matter and "pick apart" the word a little. What is... weiterlesen



TV is one of the most important forms of gay entertainment in the world. Scene - Common abbreviation for Transvestite, i.e. for a man who likes to wear women's clothes. In search of the most common abbreviations of the LGBTQ scene, many quickly come across "TV". This is the short form for transvestite. A transvestite, i.e. a TV,... weiterlesen