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Prince Charming

Attention! Spoilers! - Conclusion to episode 3 of Prince Charming

Attention! Spoilers! - Conclusion to episode 3 of Prince Charming

Prince Charming, episode 3, kisses and the most classic of all dating format questions Attention! Spoiler alert again! Because: this article is about the third episode of the second season of Prince Charming. The first German broadcast of this episode has been available on TVnow since 26 October 2020. If you want to wait until the episode airs on free... weiterlesen

Attention! Spoilers! - Conclusion to episode 2 of - Prince Charming

Attention! Spoilers! - Conclusion to episode 2 of - Prince Charming

Attention spoilers! Prince Charming is all about gossip and flirting! What was kind of obvious in episode 1 of the second season of Prince Charming has now been confirmed beyond doubt in episode 2: The battle is on! After the initial aim was to get to know each other a little, most of the candidates now have their sights set on the goal: They... weiterlesen

Attention! Spoilers! - Conclusion to episode 1 of - Prince Charming

Attention! Spoilers! - Conclusion to episode 1 of - Prince Charming

Attention! Spoilers! Shady B*****s and true love: Prince Charming is looking for his prince charming Just a few months after the first season of "Prince Charming", the second season has now started streaming on TVnow (release date: 26.10.2020 VOX). On the Greek island of Crete, Alexander Schäfer from Frankfurt am Main tries to find his dream man from a total of 20 men.... weiterlesen

A new gay series on ARD! - "All you need"

A new gay series on ARD! - "All you need"

"All you need" - ARD series to revolve around four gay men After "Prince Charming" brought the "Bachelor" into the queer Scene a public broadcaster has now also decided to broadcast the LGBTQ scene in its programme a little more specifically. Since a few days, the series "All you need"... weiterlesen

Prince Charming - These candidates are particularly memorable

These candidates from "Prince Charming" remain particularly memorable for us 21 April 2020 07:43 Regardless of whether they are with straight or gay people, there is one thing that almost all dating formats have in common: there are always candidates who remain in the viewers' memories. "Prince Charming" is no exception. Here, too, there are - apart from funny and romantic... weiterlesen