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Monatsarchiv: February 2021

Many LGBTQ supporters suffer from cyberbullying on the internet

Many LGBTQ supporters suffer from cyberbullying on the internet

Bullying on the internet - many queers also affected This is undoubtedly one of the most dreaded dark sides of the internet: cyberbullying. What used to exist exclusively in the "real world" has now transferred to the internet. Here, many bullies have the opportunity to act even more rudely and brutally, as they can resort to the so often... weiterlesen

Amazon Prime launches Germany's first gay channel with OUTtv

Amazon Prime launches OUTtv, Germany's first LGBTQ channel

Amazon integrated LGBTQ Channel in Amazon Prime The time has recently come: Amazon Prime customers can now get an LGBTQ channel with OUTtv. If you want to use the channel, you have to pay just under 6 euros a month. In return, you get queer content galore. (As an alternative to the Prime version, according to the press release, you can... weiterlesen

Butt workouts for a firm butt

Butt workouts for a firm butt

Butt Workouts - Exercises for a sexy backside Admittedly, with low temperatures and the thought of possible travel restrictions, it's not so much fun yet to think about summer 2021 and the butt workouts that go with it. But why not? What's wrong with already taking care of the body that will be in... weiterlesen

These men's piercings are hot in 2021

These men's piercings are hot in 2021

This body jewellery is what everyone wants Piercing Fans 2021 The piercing trend is unbroken. What was often ridiculed as "entertaining", especially in the 1990s, still enjoys particular popularity today. Among other things, many men are also enthusiastic about the rings and plugs on the most diverse parts of the body. Who in 2021... weiterlesen

A recent survey shows the disadvantage of LGBTQs

A recent survey shows the disadvantage of LGBTQs

LGBTQs are disadvantaged in their careers according to a study Surveys and statistics may seem dry and boring to many people. However, they sometimes deal with important issues that concern us all. Among other things, they are also able to shed light on grievances and show in which areas of society there is still "room for... weiterlesen

Tips for good sleep in the Corona crisis

Tips for good sleep in the Corona crisis

Lack of sleep, worries and Corona - these tips can support restful nights The current pandemic is causing many problems in everyday life. Numerous people are disturbed in their daily rhythms and often suffer from sleep disorders and problems falling asleep. The circling thoughts ensure that those affected cannot (or can only with great difficulty) fall asleep. At the same time, recovery phases are important in order to... weiterlesen

All info & news about Sam Dylan

All info & news about Sam Dylan

Sam Dylan can't win the jungle show, but raises his profile If you haven't been on Instagram as much lately and are less interested in "Prince Charming" and the "Sat.1 Promiboxen", you might have missed him: Sam Dylan. The former dome show participant and influencer was also part of the "Dschungelshow", among other things. The... weiterlesen

Bisexuals still encounter many prejudices

Bisexuals still encounter many prejudices

Bisexuality and prejudices - the problem with old wives' tales Not only homosexual but also bisexual people are confronted with prejudices again and again in everyday life. These sometimes even strike them within the LGBTQ community. But which rumours about bisexuals are actually particularly widespread? How does society imagine the "classic bi"? And why are... weiterlesen