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Unfortunately, more and more pets are given away !

Unfortunately, more and more pets are given away !

Pet owners in a bind - Unfortunately, more and more pets are being surrendered ! The most popular pets, the dog is considered "man's best friend", the cat the most cuddly roommate. Especially during the Corona crisis, many people realised how nice it can be to live with an animal. But what if the home office is again replaced by the classic... weiterlesen

Von der Leyen defends sexual minorities

von der Leyen defends sexual minorities

Homophobia in Poland - von der Leyen defends sexual minorities. Ursula von der Leyen recently made an important statement regarding the equality of sexual minorities and the current situation in Poland. Gays, lesbians and other queers fight for their rights here every day anew and have to defend themselves against numerous prejudices and... weiterlesen

The absolute men's trends for late summer

Men's trends for late summer

Men's trends for late summer - these pieces are hip! Every season has its special men's trends! Summer is no exception. But what does a man wear who wants to be "up to date" these days? The good news: fashion has never been more individual than it is today! It has rarely been easier to combine fashionable chic with an extremely high comfort factor.... weiterlesen

The Glory Holes are more popular than ever

The Glory Holes are more popular than ever

Glory Holes - more popular than ever? Not only gays know that the dating conditions in the time of the Corona crisis were and still are "special". The same applies, of course, with regard to erotic cruising adventures. Those who wanted to act responsibly here limited themselves in recent months to chat adventures, among other things, and in many... weiterlesen

Bisexual stars in the public eye

Bisexual stars in the public eye

Bisexual stars in the public eye The number of stars who have come out during their current careers as bisexual The number of people coming out of the closet is growing steadily. While gay athletes in particular still often find it difficult to take this step, within the artistically active Scene often a different picture. Here, more and more people are managing to follow their inclinations to... weiterlesen

Criticism of Farid Bang video: Düsseldorf's mayor defends himself

Criticism of Farid Bang video Düsseldorf mayor defends himself

Düsseldorf's mayor continues to be criticised because of Farid Bang. It was actually a good idea: after numerous Düsseldorfers (and tourists) disregarded the distance rules in the old town every weekend, a celebrity was supposed to ensure that the youth were better reached. After all, it is precisely many people between 20 and 30 years of age who... weiterlesen