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Düsseldorf sets an example for diversity

Düsseldorf sets an example for diversity

Düsseldorf sets an example for diversity and respect. A CSD was actually supposed to take place in Düsseldorf this year as well. However, this - like all other events of this kind - unfortunately fell victim to the corona virus. Nevertheless, the people of Düsseldorf did not miss the opportunity to set a special sign. In front of the city hall... weiterlesen

5 Gay Prejudices in Check

5 Gay Prejudices in Check

5 prejudices in check - from gays, Pink and a lot of glitter Many gays have to defend themselves against prejudices in the course of their lives. But a look at the Scenethat it is simply no longer possible to speak of standards here. The LGBTQ Community is so multifaceted and complex that it is difficult to... weiterlesen

What does queer actually mean?

What does queer actually mean

What does it actually mean to be queer or queer? "Queer" is one of those words that is now almost inseparable from the LGBT Q community are connected. But: what is actually behind the term, in the context of which not only many gays see the proverbial rainbows? One thing is certain: being queer means a lot more than just being excluded from social... weiterlesen

Gay on the job. Is that a career killer ?

Gay on the job. Is that a career killer

Is it a career killer Gay to be? Many gays know the situation: a new job is coming up, everything seems perfect... If it weren't for the question of how to deal openly with one's own sexuality. Of course: no one would think of cometo introduce themselves with the words: "My name is XY and I'm gay!".... weiterlesen

This is why it pays to data a cat owner

This is why it pays to data a cat owner

That's why it's worth dating a cat owner The choice of pet can say a lot about a person. Some people even go so far as to distinguish (more or less vehemently) between dog and cat people. If you then consider that the vast majority of pet owners deliberately choose a pet or a breed that is ideally suited to... weiterlesen

Blood Donation Day - why are gays not allowed to donate?

Blood Donation Day - why are gays not allowed to donate?

Tag der Blutspende – weshalb dürfen Schwule eigentlich nicht spenden? Der offizielle Tag der Blutspende verweist – wenn auch indirekt – auf ein Problem, mit dem sich viele Mitglieder der LGBTQ Community schon lange befassen. Denn: Schwulen ist es immer noch untersagt, in Deutschland Blut zu spenden. Parallel dazu wird die Medienlandschaft immer wieder von… weiterlesen

Pruning yes or no? Why "it" is still "in"...

Pruning yes or no?

Beschneiden ja oder nein?  Viele Gays stellen sich früher oder später die Frage, ob es nicht gegebenenfalls sinnvoll sein könnte, sich beschneiden zu lassen. Immerhin wirkt ein Penis without Foreskin oft besonders attraktiv. Schon lange wird daher nicht mehr ausschließlich aus religiösen Gründen beschnitten. Immer wieder ist von „besonderen Vorteilen“ im Zusammenhang mit der kleinen… weiterlesen

Sex education - therefore it is worth binging

Sex Education - this is why it is worth binging

Sex Education – daher lohnt es sich, zu bingen Die Fangemeinde der Netflix Serie „Sex Education“ wächst kontinuierlich. Immer mehr Gays (und natürlich auch Heteros) können sich für die Abenteuer von Otis, dem Sohn einer Sextherapeutin, begeistern. Vielleicht auch gerade deswegen, weil im Rahmen der Serie so viele Sichtweisen dargestellt werden, erfreut sich „Sex Education“… weiterlesen

Düsseldorf's memorial for persecuted gays, lesbians and transgenders

Düsseldorf's memorial for persecuted gays, lesbians and transgenders

Düsseldorf's memorial for persecuted gays, lesbians and transgender people The North Rhine-Westphalian state capital Düsseldorf is considered a special hotspot for many gays and lesbians. Here you can celebrate with many cosmopolitan people. Especially in the old town - despite Corona and in a very special way - life is bubbling. However, this was not always the case. Among other things... weiterlesen