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Homophobia against Jens Spahn: police call in the public prosecutor's office

Homophobia against Jens Spahn Police call in the public prosecutor's office

Homophobia against Jens Spahn: Police call in the public prosecutor's office Hardly any other topic has divided Germany as much in recent years as the Corona pandemic and the measures associated with it. Health Minister Jens Spahn recently experienced how emotionally charged the entire debate is. He was questioned in the context of an election campaign event and an associated... weiterlesen

François Arnaud has come out as bisexual

François Arnaud has come out as bisexual

François Arnaud has established himself as bisexual outed The Bi - Scene has gained a prominent member. François Arnaud has come out as bisexual. The actor, who is also known to many fans from "Borgias" and "Schitt's Creek", has now put an end to his silence and - like many others before him... weiterlesen

Bundeswehr: Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer apologises to homosexuals

German Armed Forces Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer apologises to homosexuals

German Armed Forces: Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer apologises to homosexuals Homosexual soldiers in the German Armed Forces are repeatedly discriminated against, but Kramp-Karrenbauer is now standing up for them. The number of unreported cases is certainly particularly high. Now Defence Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer has apologised to all those affected. There is also talk of compensation. This is to be granted to all soldiers and servicemen who... weiterlesen

Jochen Schropp stripped bare in "Cosmopolitan" !

Jochen Schropp stripped bare in Cosmopolitan !

Jochen Schropp has stripped naked - but why? For a few days now, the public has known what Jochen Schropp looks like naked. At least partially. Because: the presenter had himself photographed for the anniversary edition of "Cosmopolitan", which came out on 09 September 2020. Naked. But for him it is obviously about more than "just" nude pictures. Rather, the photos can be seen as... weiterlesen

"The Boys in the Band" - Jim Parsons plays a screenwriter

"The Boys in the Band" - Jim Parsons plays a screenwriter

"The Boys in the Band" - Jim Parsons plays a scriptwriter Anyone who knows "The Big Bang Theory" also knows him: Jim Parsons. As Dr. Dr. Sheldon Cooper, he has played his way into the hearts of nerd fan viewers over several seasons. Now he seems to want to prove to the world that he can do more than "just" be funny.... weiterlesen

Argentina adopts transgender quota in public service

Argentina adopts transgender quota in public service

Argentinien beschließt transsexuellen Quote im öffentlichen Dienst Argentinien hat die Bestimmungen mit Hinblick auf die Besetzung von Stellen im öffentlichen Dienst überarbeitet. Nun gibt es eine Quote, die für eine besondere Form der Gleichberechtigung von Transvestiten, transsexuellen und Transgender sorgen soll. Das bedeutet, dass nun mindestens ein Prozent der Stellen mit Transvestiten, transsexual und Transgender… weiterlesen

Gerhard Meir, the gay celebrity hairdresser has passed away.

Gay Celebrity Hairdresser Died - Gerhard Meir is Dead

Schwuler Celebrity Friseur gestorben – Gerhard Meir ist tot Die Nachricht vom Tod Gerhard Meirs erschüttert die Scene. Der schwule Celebrity Friseur, der unter anderem schon Größen wie die Fürstin von Thurn und Taxis und andere VIPs frisierte wurde tot in seiner Wohnung aufgefunden. Meir wurde nur 65 Jahre alt. Er gehörte zu den Menschen,… weiterlesen

Mike Shiva has died at the age of 56

Mike Shiva has died at the age of 56

Im Alter von 56 Jahren gestorben: Wer war eigentlich Mike Shiva? Wer sich für Esoterik und Wahrsagen interessierte, kannte ihn wahrscheinlich: Mike Shiva. Der Schweizer Hellseher ist im Alter von 56 Jahren gestorben. Medienberichten zufolge soll er an einer schweren Krankheit gelitten haben. Mike Shiva sagte seinen Anrufern und Besichern jedoch nicht nur die Zukunft… weiterlesen

These queer stars are taking part in the Promiboxen 2020 on Sat 1

These queer stars are taking part in the Promiboxen 2020 on Sat 1

These queer stars are taking part in the Promiboxen 2020 on Sat 1 It will soon be that time again! "Das große Sat 1 Promiboxen" will be starting up again. In the past, TV celebrities such as Lucas Cordalis, Pierre Geisensetter, Doro Pesch and Thorsten Legat were among the participants. The current spectacle will take place both on 18.... weiterlesen

Conchita Wurst and LOU ASRIL cover "Lovemachine

Conchita Wurst and LOU ASRIL cover "Lovemachine

Conchita Wurst and LOU ASRIL cover "Lovemachine" It was never really quiet around Conchita Wurst anyway. Now, however, Wurst is once again making a name for herself musically. Together with Lou ASRIL she has released the pop song "Lovemachine". The song is reminiscent of the classic disco sound and was written by Austrian producer Kurt Hauenstein.... weiterlesen