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Innovations for intersexual people in Austria

Innovations for intersexual people in Austria

Neuerungen für intersexuelle Menschen in Österreich Österreich hat einen neuen Erlass in Bezug auf den sogenannten Dritten Geschlechtseintrag durchgebracht. Von den Neuerungen können intersexuelle Menschen nun profitieren. Offensichtlich gibt es jedoch noch etwas Verbesserungsbedarf. Die Frage, die in diesem Zusammenhang über allem steht: Was ist neu? Wo ist eventuell noch Luft nach oben? Und welche… weiterlesen

The Swiss Diversity Awards 2020 - these are the winners

The Swiss Diversity Award on 05 September 2020

Die Swiss Diversity Awards 2020 – das sind die Preisträger Am 05. September 2020 wurden in Bern die Swiss Diversity Awards vergeben. Mit ihnen soll das Engagement für Vielseitigkeit von Menschen und Organisationen aus den unterschiedlichsten Bereichen geehrt werden. Der begehrte Lifetime Award ging in diesem Jahr an Kurt Aeschbacher. Doch auch die anderen Preisträger… weiterlesen

Nina Hagen has a new song out with "Unity

Nina Hagen has a new song out with "Unity

Nina Hagen takes a musical bow to the Black Lives Matter movement Nina Hagen is back! The punk icon has released a new song. This is a dub track called "Unity". Hagen obviously got creative again during the Corona crisis and managed to make a statement against racism and for... weiterlesen

The DFB sets an example for diversity with a new campaign.

The DFB sets an example for diversity with a new campaign.

The DFB is sending out a signal for more diversity with a new campaign. The passion for football is unbroken in Germany. Among other things, a few coming outs of famous protagonists here have also ensured that society has been able to catch an interesting glimpse behind the scenes of the DFB. What is particularly worrying in this context, however, is that... weiterlesen

Poland supports LGBTIQ free zones

Poland supports LGBTIQ free zones

Poland supports LGBTIQ free zones It is a bitter setback on the way to more tolerance and equality: Poland's LGBTIQ free zones receive support from their own country. After the EU had already made it unmistakably clear that the respective zones are discriminatory, Poland is apparently taking a different path. Because: the government of the country has... weiterlesen

News on "PRIDE NOW - THE ColognePride SHOW" in Cologne

News about PRIDE NOW - THE Cologne Pride SHOW in Cologne

News on the CSD in Cologne: The PRIDE NOW - THE ColognePride SHOW. The Cologne CSD is one of the best-known events of its kind. Cologne has always stood for joie de vivre, tolerance and a very special feeling. The organisers of the Pride have not opted for a general cancellation, but only for a postponement of the event to autumn... weiterlesen

Alexander Schäfer is the new "Prince Charming" 2020

Alexander Schäfer is the new Prince Charming 2020

Prince Charming: the Gay Bachelor of the second season has been determined! Certainly, the first season of "Prince Charming" was more successful than many would have suspected before. Millions of viewers now know the story of Nicolas Puschmann and his Lars. Both have moved in together and currently live in a flat in Düsseldorf. They are considered one of the best... weiterlesen